Advanced AI Recipe Generator | DishGen
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Recipe Creation Tips

Get the Most from DishGen

Be Specific. Provide a clear and detailed description of the type of recipe you would like to create. Rather than 'pudding', try 'a rich chocolate pudding for my 5-year-old's birthday'

Modify. If the initial recipe isn't exactly what you need, use the 'request modification' button to have the AI re-create the recipe with the changes you provide.

Ingredients. Request ingredients you already have in your kitchen. You can search for multiple ingredients at once by separating them with a comma.

Meal Type. Include a specific meal type such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert.

Time. Request recipes that take less than a certain amount of time to make.

Go Advanced. Use the advanced search controls to request the inclusion / exclusion of certain ingredients, dietary considerations, and more.

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