Blueberry Spice Cold Brew Mead

"**Botanicals:** - Cold brew coffee (to 6th **Spices:** - 1 cinnamon stick - Vanilla extract (to taste) **Fruit:** - 64 fl oz blueberry juice **Sugars:** - 1 oz Maltodextrin - 2 oz maple syrup **Honey:** - 7.5 lbs wildflower honey **Yeast Nutrient:** - 1 oz Wyeast Wine Yeast Nutrient **Chemicals (Optional):** - 5 Campden Tablets (to sulfite) **Yeast:** - 5 packets of yeast ([see options] )"
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This innovative cold brew coffee is a delightful fusion of rich flavors, featuring the warmth of cinnamon and the essence of vanilla complemented by the vibrant taste of blueberry juice. Sweetened naturally with wildflower honey and maple syrup, it’s a revitalizing beverage perfect for any occasion. Brew up a refreshing drink that tantalizes the taste buds and warms the soul.
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