Elderflower Floral Mead | DishGen Recipe
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"Here's the rewritten recipe for Elderflower Mead, substituting honey for sugar: Elderflower Mead Ingredients: • 1-1/2 pt fresh elderflowers • 3 lbs honey (substitute for 2 lbs sugar) • 1-1/2 tsp acid blend • 1 crushed Campden tablet • 7 pts water • 1 tsp yeast nutrient • Wine yeast Instructions: 1. Boil water, separate elderflowers from stalks, and wash thoroughly. 2. In a primary fermentation vessel, combine the elderflowers and honey. Pour the boiling water over the mixture, stir well to dissolve the honey, cover, and allow to cool. 3. Once cooled, add the acid blend, crushed Campden tablet, and yeast nutrient. Stir gently, cover, and let stand for 24 hours. 4. After 24 hours, add the wine yeast. Allow to ferment for six days, stirring daily. Then strain the mixture and transfer to a secondary fermentation vessel, fitting with an airlock. 5. When the specific gravity reaches 1.005, rack the mead into a clean container. Top up with water if necessary and refit the airlock. 6. After three months, stabilize the mead and sweeten to taste if desired. Wait ten days, then bottle. 7. Age the mead for at least six months before tasting for best results. Note: The honey amount has been increased to 3 lbs to account for the substitution of sugar. Honey is less sweet than sugar by volume, so more is needed to achieve a similar level of fermentable sugars and final sweetness."

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Craft your own Eldertree Honey Brew with aromatic elderflowers and rich honey for a refreshing and unique mead. This light yet flavorful drink is perfect for summer gatherings and lends itself beautifully to sharing with friends. Enjoy the floral notes and honey sweetness as you sip this delightful homemade beverage, bursting with natural goodness.


Elderflower Floral Mead

Servings: 5

Craft your own Eldertree Honey Brew with aromatic elderflowers and rich honey for a refreshing and unique mead. This light yet flavorful drink is perfect for summer gatherings and lends itself beautifully to sharing with friends. Enjoy the floral notes and honey sweetness as you sip this delightful homemade beverage, bursting with natural goodness.

AI-Generated Recipe from DishGen - https://dishgen.com/recipes/ 66ef9bf2bd146373da17b208

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