Golden White Grape Pyment

"recipe: name: White Grape Pyment type: Pyment (Grape Mead) difficulty: Moderate yield: 1 gallon (3.8 liters) ingredients: - name: White Grape Juice amount: 32 oz unit: fluid ounces - name: Honey amount: 12 oz unit: ounces type: Don Pops Honey - name: Yeast Nutrient amount: As per manufacturer's recommendation - name: Yeast type: Lalvin 71B-1122 Narbonne amount: 1 unit: packet - name: Water amount: To reach desired volume unit: As needed equipment: - Fermentation vessel (carboy or bucket) - Airlock and stopper - Sanitizer - Hydrometer - Thermometer - Siphon and tubing - Bottles for aging and storage instructions: - step: Sanitization description: Thoroughly clean and sanitize all equipment to prevent contamination. - step: Prepare the Must description: | 1. In the fermentation vessel, combine white grape juice and honey. 2. Add water to reach desired batch size (typically 1 gallon). 3. Stir thoroughly to ensure honey is fully dissolved. - step: Check and Adjust description: | 1. Measure specific gravity with a hydrometer. Aim for OG between 1.080-1.100. 2. Adjust with honey or water if needed. 3. Check pH and adjust if necessary (ideal range 3.4-3.7). - step: Add Nutrients description: | 1. Add yeast nutrient according to manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Stir gently to distribute evenly. - step: Pitch the Yeast description: | 1. Rehydrate Lalvin 71B-1122 Narbonne yeast as per package instructions. 2. Add rehydrated yeast to the must an"
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Unlock the delightful fusion of honey and white grape juice with this Golden White Grape Pyment. Crafted with Lalvin 71B-1122 yeast, this moderately challenging recipe yields a 1-gallon batch of velvety, aromatic mead. Perfect for sipping on warm evenings or serving at celebrations, this exquisite beverage gracefully marries floral honey notes with crisp grape essence.
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